

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To the Top of the Ladder

I was a scared little mouse Hiding in the little hole. Sometimes I would peak And step out a bit. But the Big cat would scare me So I ran right back in My lonely but safe home.
One day the cat got in My little hole. I still don’t know how, But boy! Did I ever ran out!
You took me in your hands To a strange place. You showed me the ladder To enter the big World Oh! Did it seem so high For a little mouse like me
But you promised to hold My hand I first hesitated And didn’t cooperate. But you never left me
I slowly climbed up. Sometimes I’d trip But I got right back up So now I’m less scared And almost at the top.
I could climb to the clouds, I might trip and fall down But I’d get right back up Thanks to your hand.
Soon I’ll let go of your hand And meet my fellows In the big and noisy place Called Society.
I’ll be with my fellows, But I’ll never forget you.
Someday I’ll be the one to hold Their hands To lead them the way to the Big place called Society
It’s been a long but worthy time I’m almost to the last step. You’re slowly letting go of my hand… Oh! It’s getting scary!
But I will make you proud Because I’ll make the Society A safe and warm place. Thanks to your caring And warm hand. I’ll be the One To change the world

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